Hey there, New Englander

I know you are doing your very best, but you’re still burnt out, anxious and triggered.

I know you are living in one of the most competitive places on this planet. It’s a tall order to graduate from the most prestigious school in the country, have immediate professional success in your industry, date & find a healthy relationship, keep up your social life, pay rent, have fun AND be able to save money.

Whew. I’m tired just listing all of those things.

You’re anxious and burnt out.

Life might not even have been a smooth ride that whole time and so maybe you’re also dealing with past trauma and triggers that come up in your daily life. You look good on the outside, you really do, and you know you “shouldn’t complain because you’ve got it so much better than most people.” But you are. You’re struggling. And you’re not sure how to manage that long list and fix this nagging sense of anxiety, burnout, or trauma.

What you want to feel is:

Confident in your career
Less guilty for things that you think you “should” do
Grounded in the present
Deeply invested in your life

Look No Further for
a Therapist in Boston, MA

Hi, Hannah here,

a southerner turned Boston lover.

I can’t get enough of apple cider donuts, 4th of July on the Charles, and bike commuting around Boston (with a helmet of course, I’m not crazy). I moved to Boston for religious grad school and ended up a therapist in Boston. Life’s just funny like that.

Real talk: I’m either spending my time training for our sessions OR out living life, and my clients know it.

“Hannah, you’re brilliant, but your pop culture knowledge is a D- at best.” 

You caught me.

I’m not watching Bravo. I only know the lines to T Swift's first album. If it’s not a 90s romcom or Friends,  I probably haven’t seen it. 

Two reasons: I’ve only got 24 hours in a day so if I’m not knitting, going on new adventures, or spending time with loved ones, I’m getting ready for our session so you get EXACTLY what you need.

There's no two ways about it.

Life is a balancing act

I have a passion for helping millennials manage the stress of balancing all of the spinning plates so that they can walk confidently into their days without worrying about everything crashing down around them. 

I’ll show up ready to tackle the problem of the spinning plates. Chances are, you have too many spinning plates and it’s time to focus on the things that make a difference. You heard me right. It’s not about having no plates, it’s making sure you’re focusing on balancing the right ones. 

Your job is to bring your determination for calm and contentment and my job is to find the small, daily actions that can make those happen. I’m more of a Remember the Titans type than a Bring It On (for my Gen Zers–I’m more of a dig deeper coach than a competition cheerleader).

Are you waiting for an Ah-ha moment?

You might be shocked to hear me say…

Tons of clients have resolved the issue they originally sought therapy for without even realizing when or how it happened. 


 “I don’t know when or how this happened but I’ve changed. One day I just did it differently and then kept doing it differently. The external things in my life may not look so different, but the way I feel about them has completely changed.”

Therapy in Boston with Safe Talk Therapy is perfect for you if you:

Are burnt out in your career and want to do something that lights up your days

Are stuck in the avoidantly-attached dating pool and can’t figure out how to find a partner who wants the relationship as much as you do

Are frequently triggered by past traumatic events and you’re afraid it’s taking over your life

The people in your life walk all over you or make you feel guilty when you try to have boundaries

Have experienced religious trauma or spiritual abuse from fundamentalism or purity culture

How do I know therapy in Boston with Safe Talk Therapy is worth it?

Don’t just take our word for it.

We’ve helped countless clients create an aligned life that truly reflects their values, interests, and personality that they end up saying, “I think it’s time for me to stop therapy because I don’t have much to say anymore, but I’m really going to miss our time together. I wouldn’t be where I am now without you.”


They’re working a career they are happy in in a company culture that values them as a person. They exited the dating pool and found a loving, healthy relationship with their Person. They are less anxious AND aren’t afraid of it coming back one day. They aren’t triggered every day by a traumatic event. They know what matters to them, what gives their life meaning and only do things that are aligned with those values.

Sounds like a fairytale?

They started exactly where you are now. Aware of feeling stuck but unsure as to why or how to get themselves unstuck. They tried to grin and bear it for a while but it was unbearable. Instead, throwing up their hands turned into the victory moment they thought was only a cliche. 

Suffering isn’t spiritual and it isn’t required in order to heal. 


I need this and you’re are
the therapist for me

I don’t have a ton of time, a therapy intensive is more up my alley